We offer collaboration and engineering consultancy to companies with design support activities [CAD Service, Topography and Cartography, Inspection and Survey of technological networks, Management of the construction site technical archive] and support activities for construction in the construction sector [Construction site safety, Works Management, Computing and Works Accounting]

  ALBA is an Engineering Services company, mainly made up of technicians [engineers, architects, archivists, surveyors, topographers, designers, graphic designers, administrators, accountants] who offer a complete and coordinated aid to the engineering activities of companies, both public and Private


  • Preliminary, definitive and executive architectural, plant and infrastructure designs
  • Structural calculation
  • Testing
  • Construction supervision
  • Workplace safety coordination Legislative Decree 81/08
  • Quality and environment controls
  • Static monitoring and testing on road and railway works
  • GPS and framing of topographic networks

  • Polygonal precision
  • Surveys and adjustments in absolute coordinates of railway tracks
  • Tunnel surveys for the control of coatings
  • Archaeological surveys
  • Celerimetric surveys
  • Surveys and inspections of sewer networks
  • Surveys and inspections of aqueducts
  • Surveys and inspections of technological networks

Our Specializations

ALBA operates in the field of architectural, plant and infrastructural Designs, taking care of all the processes necessary for the realization of the work with a single priority: meeting the Client's needs


In the role of professional Project Manager we manage construction projects from the beginning to the final delivery, monitoring timing, economic and financial aspects, design, authorizations from public administrations, organization of works, tests and everything necessary for the proper performance of the activity

The know-how acquired through prestigious achievements and the consolidated collaboration relationships with a public and private client, have strengthened a significant presence of our company in the area of building and infrastructure transformations in the area


The continuous professional updating of the personnel and of the machinery are a priority for ALBA. Our topographic teams, also equipped with off-road vehicles, can reach any point on the territory and in any climatic condition. The topographical surveys are carried out with cutting-edge instrumentation, ensuring high efficiency, high precision and a certain timing. Periodic checks are scheduled on the instrument in use, aimed at eliminating any possible error on the measurements performed. The surveys can take place with the help of several topographic teams operating in parallel.

In the office, a team of professionals [engineers, architects, designers] manages, in collaboration with the printers who carried out the survey in the field, the return and preparation phase of the design documents to be delivered to the customer.

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